2022 Spirit of TEC Award Winners

Jul 25, 2022

Each year, the TEC Conference asks local TEC communities to submit nominations for the annual Spirit of TEC Award. This award honors individuals’ dedication and service to TEC on the local or regional level; those who receive it truly exemplify the spirit of TEC and live out the Paschal Mystery in their own lives.

We are pleased to present the 2022 Spirit of TEC Award winners below! Each awardee has a short write-up from their local community on why they deserve this honor. Congratulations to everyone!


Kayla Wombacher, Belleville TEC (Diocese of Bellville, IL)

Kayla Wombacher is one of the hardest workers who puts everything she has into every task she is given. She often reaches beyond her comfort zone, and her results are amazing. Kayla has been the coordinator on the weekend several times, on wheat team, and most recently, she directed. She had reservations about directing, but she hit it out of the park.  One young adult, when asked about her TEC experience, mentioned Kayla's talk having a true impact on her. In addition, Kayla has been on the TEC board for many years, and most recently was the TEC board president for three years which saw us through the pandemic. A couple years ago, she worked effortlessly organizing the new TEC trailer for our diocese. Kayla worked with the youth of her own parish for many years and continues to tap on the shoulder of young adults to ask them to help with TEC. Kayla is an asset to Belleville TEC who truly deserves this award.

Mike Gross, Belleville TEC (Diocese of Belleville, IL)

Mike Gross is originally from Red Bud, IL, and although he now lives in Murfreesboro, TN, he is so dedicated to TEC that he returns to Illinois to help on Belleville TECs and has also traveled to Indiana to help on their local TEC retreats. He lives out the TEC spirit with his dedication and generosity. He is currently on the Belleville TEC Board and adds to its focus and spiritual formation. What a gift to have him in our TEC program!

Diane McIntyre, Belleville TEC (Diocese of Belleville, IL)

When Diane’s original TEC center in Western Kentucky became inactive, she searched for another community to join, and we are so blessed that she chose us in Belleville. Her faith life and living of the Paschal Mystery is very evident when you meet Diane. She freely shares her faith with everyone she meets. Part of her living out the Paschal Mystery happened recently when a tornado hit near her home and surrounding area. She was active in reaching out to people in need during this time, even though her workplace was affected by the tornado. Diane is currently serving on the Belleville TEC Board and has recently been selected as our Chairperson.  She has such an enthusiasm for TEC, inspires us all to get more involved, and urges us to come up with creative ways to promote and enliven the TEC community in our area. Diane is a great supporter to our youth and we are privileged to have her as part of our community.

Hope Glidewell, Great River TEC (Diocese of Springfield, IL)

The Great River TEC Community would like to recognize Hope Glidewell with a 2022 Spirit of TEC Award because of her willingness to help whenever and however she can. Hope’s first TEC was #296. She has been on eight TEC weekends, as well as multiple Quests and Mini-TECs. She helps with Agape Meal preparation and Eucharistic Adoration, as well as providing music for TEC events when needed. Hope wants others to get what she received through TEC— to come to know the love of God, so that as they continue to grow, they will always have a firm foundation. Through her continuous involvement in the TEC program, Hope has shown that she is truly dedicated to TEC and its mission of helping youth encounter Christ.

Brandi Venvertloh, Great River TEC (Diocese of Springfield, IL)

The Great River TEC Community would like to recognize Brandi Venvertloh with a 2022 Spirit of TEC Award because of her participation in bringing the TEC program back after the start of the COVID pandemic. As a Registered Nurse, Brandi used her knowledge to provide information on how to keep participants safe while on a TEC weekend. Since making her first TEC on #290, she has made five more weekends. She directed two of those with her husband, Nick. Brandi serves on the TEC Board, TEC Executive Committee, and she and Nick also serve on the Quest steering committee. Brandi wants youth to form a personal relationship with Christ and learn that He loves them no matter what and will always be there for them.  Brandi’s passion for the program and her work to keep it going show that she embodies the spirit of TEC.

Aaron Weiman, Great River TEC (Diocese of Springfield, IL)

The Great River TEC Community would like to recognize Aaron Weiman with a 2022 Spirit of TEC Award because of his work as Treasurer and helping to bring TEC weekends back during the COVID pandemic. Aaron and his wife, Karen, directed TEC #330, the first Great River TEC weekend in nearly two years, since the beginning of the pandemic. Aaron has been Treasurer on the TEC Board for the last two years, assuring the program runs as fiscally sound as possible. Aaron believes in the mission of TEC, and also believes that Christ truly makes himself fully known and visible on a TEC weekend. Aaron wants youth to keep Christ at the center of their lives, so that others can come to know Christ through them. The way in which Aaron does this in his own life makes him deserving of this award.

Megan & Alex Knies, SWITEC (Diocese of Evansville, IN)

Megan is passionate about promoting TEC by inviting countless friends and acquaintances to TEC. It is evident that TEC is constantly on her mind and in her heart in the way that she often brings up new ideas and solutions that strengthen and revitalize our TEC movement. In addition to being a vital member of our Core Group and Team Applications committee for many years, Megan volunteers her time and talent for many other tasks within our community, including serving in various roles on TEC weekends.

Alex, Megan’s husband, has also been involved in TEC for many years. He truly transforms the kitchen when he volunteers as cook. But possibly more importantly, Alex supports Megan’s involvement in TEC, and single handedly takes on the parental role for their four beautiful children, enabling Megan’s TEC involvement. He is the silent prayer warrior that is much needed for our movement. Together, these two are exemplary role models in how to live out the Paschal Mystery daily.

Natalie Brickman, North Coast Spirit TEC (Diocese of Cleveland, OH)

Natalie's love for the Lord is apparent in her everyday life. She has a love for her faith and her family. Her laugh and happy demeanor are contagious, and the joy she brings when talking about her faith makes people thirst for more. She is active in the TEC community and has worked many weekends in all capacities. As an active board member, she has really taken the teen representatives under her wing, helping them to develop a successful Instagram page as well as revive our comebacks, making them family oriented. We are proud to present the 2022 Spirit of TEC Award to Natalie Brickman!

Charlie Bulger, North Coast Spirit TEC (Diocese of Cleveland, OH)

Charlie lives out the Spirit of TEC in the way he boldly embraces his faith and strives to bring others closer to Christ. His involvement in TEC, working weekends and serving on the TEC Board, shows his commitment to serving the Church and sharing his faith. Charlie exemplifies the joy of the Gospel and roots his life in sincere prayer, loving his family, friends, and fellow seminarians. Always willing and ready to help in whatever capacity is needed, Charlie's actions and love for others brings the Paschal Mystery to life. Over the years, Charlie has shared his love for the TEC community with so many people, constantly spreading love, laughter, and the Spirit of TEC throughout the TEC community and the Greater Cleveland community. We are proud to present the 2022 Spirit of TEC Award to Charlie Bulger!

Jerome Miller Hopkins, North Coast Spirit TEC (Diocese of Cleveland, OH)

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Like the apostles whose lives were changed after encountering and growing in relationship with the Lord, this young man has encountered Christ both in Word and Sacrament and now cannot help but share Him with all he meets. From the classroom to the sports field to hanging out with friends on the weekends, Miller is not afraid to evangelize and invite others to know the God he has fallen in love with. Along with being involved in Life Teen at his parish, Monday nights find him at XLT, where he helps repose the Blessed Sacrament, Tuesdays he serves on the Edge core team, monthly he gives time to the TEC board and has served on several weekends. His charismatic smile and welcoming personality open people to receive his consistent invitation into relationship with the Lord, whether that be on a TEC weekend, through opportunities of prayer or other events in the Church, because he first establishes a relationship with them, meeting them where they are and then drawing them deeper just as Jesus modeled for all of us. We are proud to present the 2022 Spirit of TEC Award to Miller Hopkins!

Brian Liggio, TEC New Orleans (Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA)

Community member Brian Liggio has been a vibrant part of TEC New Orleans for 20 years. His steadfast loyalty to this program has never wavered. Brian is incredibly hard working and generous with his time, talents, and prayers, often being one of the very first to volunteer. He has always been incredibly dependable and does many behind the scenes jobs with a joyful heart and sincere spirit. When you are around Brian, you will laugh, work hard, and be challenged in your faith. In addition, Brian's tireless dedication to the youth of his own parish proves that he is a man of God and the kind of role model our young Church deserves to emulate. In fact, many of our current community members have been introduced to our TEC family due to Brian's personal invitation and support. Therefore, it is with gratitude that we honor the true servant leadership of Brian Liggio.

Ricky Helwig, TEC New Orleans (Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA)

Seven years ago this summer, Ricky Helwig experienced a TEC weekend for the first time and has been an active member of our community ever since. Ricky brings many gifts to TEC: he is hardworking, reliable, good hearted, and faithful. He is also a young man of his word. Ricky loves to volunteer and help wherever and whenever he can be of service and will often do even more than is required or expected of him. He is calm under pressure, not afraid to do the tough jobs, and is always willing to lend a listening ear, a helping hand, or an encouraging word. Ricky is motivated by his love for his Catholic faith and is an excellent faith witness for his peers and all the young people who have and will continue to be a part of TEC. Ricky's kind and gentle demeanor makes him a true friend and a man other young men can look to. We are grateful and humbled by the dedicated service Ricky Helwig has given to TEC New Orleans and are so happy to honor him with the Spirit of TEC Award.


