Lent can be a time to recommit ourselves, make amends, and invite Christ to give us eyes of faith. On the TEC weekend, embracing the concept of metanoia is a pivotal development for participants. May this same change of heart be attainable for each of us in this holy season.
Many are familiar with the story of Jesus healing a man who had been blind from birth (John, Chapter 9). Jesus spat on the ground and made clay with his saliva, then smeared the clay on the man’s eyes before inviting him to wash in the nearby pool of Siloam (which means “sent”).
Each of us have blind spots which cause us to forget just how near our God is to us. Jesus seeks to cure this blindness in each of our hearts. We only have to ask, as the familiar song says: “Open my eyes, Lord; I want to see your face.”
The TEC Conference needs your help as it continues to serve the larger TEC family. Please consider making a one-time gift or enrolling as a recurring donor this Lent. To donate online via credit card, please follow this link. Checks can be made out to "TEC Conference" and mailed to 2241 Mendez Street, New Orleans, LA 70122.
Thank you for your generosity, and may this Lenten season be a joyful time of renewed vision in your life!