A Genuine Commitment: Finding Our Vocation on TEC

Feb 14, 2022

By: Michael Maldonado (TEC New Orleans)

Michael Maldonado is a member of the TEC New Orleans community as well as the Louisiana State Representative on the TEC Conferences Leadership Council. Thank you to Michael and his wife Emily for sharing their story on how TEC played a part in their relationship!

Emily and I met on New Orleans TEC #138 as resource team members. Neither of us worked that retreat with the intent of finding “the one,” but that is exactly what God had in store for us. Besides the laughs, smiles, and exhaustion shared during that TEC weekend, we both felt eager to know each other deeper. After the TEC weekend, we continued to grow in friendship. We discovered in each other a genuine commitment to our faith that permeated every aspect of our lives. That commitment is ultimately what made us fall in love. Now, over two years later, we have made another commitment to each through marriage.

We recognize that God used TEC to help bring us together. For that reason (and many others), we continue to stay very active in our TEC community. One of the most important things we can do is keep the community and message of TEC vibrant. TEC has a unique way of bringing people together and connecting them. It certainly did that for us in a very profound way. We hope many others have that same opportunity to grow in a profound way on a TEC weekend not just with the people you meet, but with God.

If TEC played a role in helping you discern your own vocation-- whether to married life, religious life, or otherwise-- we would love to hear your story! Email us at office@tecconference.org.
