The first TEC weekend, October 1965
In 1965, high school teacher Fr. Matthew Fedewa (Diocese of Lansing, MI) realized his seniors weren’t responding to the traditional retreat models being employed. However, he realized their real need for an authentic encounter with Christ as a compliment to his classroom efforts. Inspired by the Cursillo movement, Fr. Matt responded to this need by applying some of the principles that he was learning in summer courses at the Loyola Institute for Pastoral Studies in Chicago. He designed a retreat experience focused on the Paschal Mystery that would provide a personal and lived experience of the essentials of the Catholic faith.
Fr. Matt handled the theological and spiritual aspects of the retreat while Sr. Mary Concetta, RSM (Dorothy Gereke) worked out the practical details. The experience had a deep and lasting impact on Fr. Matt’s students. A living community grew out of the retreat, supporting and mentoring the young people who were now embracing their faith.
This three-day weekend, which Fr. Matt called “Teens Encounter Christ,” quickly began attracting the attention of other dioceses and sparked a movement that still burns brightly today, over 50 years later.
LEFT: Sr. Mary Concetta and Fr. Matt Fedewa circa 1970
RIGHT: Fr. Jim Brown and Fr. Matt Fedewa 2009
As TEC was spreading to new regions during its first decade, there was no central body to moderate and guide the growth. The field of youth and young adult ministry began to rapidly evolve, and as TEC expanded across the world, so did the need for unity and clarity.
The TEC Conference was formed in 1981 as a ministry charged with sustaining the spiritual quality of the local TEC communities, providing resources, training, and support. Around the same time, Fr. James Brown, OAR, gathered a team which would ultimately spend a decade creating the TEC Conference Manual as a guide to the core message, theology, and methodology of TEC. All affiliated TEC centers receive this copyrighted manual from the Conference, along with other support.