We thank everyone who was able to join us online for our Advent Evening of Reflection with Steve Angrisano. Steve has graciously allowed us to share the video from our evening together. (Please note that this video will be removed after Advent for copyright purposes.)
In this fourth week of Advent, as we make our final preparations for the coming of the Christ child, we invite you to share this video with your family and friends. We join our Episcopal Moderator Archbishop Gregory Aymond in this short but poignant prayer: "Mary, as you carried Jesus in your womb, help me carry him in my heart as I prepare to celebrate his birth."
As you light your last candle on your Advent wreath, we humbly ask that you keep the TEC Conference in your prayers, and know that we remember all of you in ours. Happy Advent, and very soon, may you all celebrate a joyful Christmas!