Annual Harvest 2021: Plant, Cultivate, Nurture

Nov 16, 2021

By: Billy O'Regan

When I was a sophomore in college, an adult mentor from TEC called me out of the blue to check on me, affirm my gifts, and invite me to apply for an upcoming retreat team. The personal and individual effort he made has stuck with me over the years. I’m sure that each of us can relate on some level to the experience of a friend or mentor encouraging us when we needed it. The TEC family and all of our faith journeys are nurtured by these small, deliberate acts of love.

In his letter to the Christian community in Corinth, Paul wrote: “I [Paul] planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth. Therefore, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7) I see in these words a challenge for us to use our gifts to do what we can right now, even when so many circumstances are beyond our control—to plant the seeds now that God will nurture and make bear fruit.

We must remember that TEC is a spiritual movement, not a retreat program. The TEC Conference continues its efforts to strengthen TEC communities and provide training resources. Planting seeds now will directly benefit the young people we serve. I would be grateful if you would consider giving a tax-deductible gift of $50 or whatever you feel called to give. Your gift enables us to serve the entire TEC family more effectively.

Donations can be made online here, or mailed to this address here. No gift is too small!

May we all embrace Christ’s hope fervently during this time and answer the call to be proactive and do our part. Let us find new ways to plant and water the seeds of faith that God in turn can cause to grow.

