During this season of hopeful waiting, we are all eager for TEC weekends to return as safely as possible, along with the other hallmarks of normalcy. While we wait, we are not alone. The disciples also found themselves waiting after the Last Supper—what was coming next?
In Romans 12:12, Paul wrote: “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” Similarly, during Pope Francis’s Urbi et Orbi blessing in March, the Holy Father said:
“By his cross we have been saved in order to embrace hope and let it strengthen and sustain all measures and all possible avenues for helping us protect ourselves and others. Embracing the Lord in order to embrace hope: that is the strength of faith, which frees us from fear and gives us hope.”
We must remember that TEC is a spiritual movement, not a retreat program. Even without the benefit of retreats, TEC communities are called to share the message of Jesus’s death and resurrection. The TEC Conference continues its work to strengthen TEC communities and provide training resources during this waiting period.
We humbly invite you to prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift of $50 or whatever you feel called to give to the TEC Conference. To make a donation, no matter how small, click here, or send your gift to our address which can be found here.
May we all embrace Christ’s hope fervently during this time and answer the call to rejoice, endure, and persevere!