Encounter 2022 in Review: Ora et Labora

Jul 26, 2022

From July 15-17, the international TEC family gathered in Champaign, IL, for TEC Encounter 2022. Between in-person and virtual attendees, 23 different TEC centers were represented at the event, as participants explored how to find balance between their work and prayer lives, along with the fellowship, prayer, networking, and learning opportunities Encounter offers each year.

This year’s Encounter theme comes from the Gospel story of Martha and Mary and the Benedictine rule of balancing work and prayer. Keynote speaker Marcia Lane-McGee reminded listeners that we aren’t just exclusively Martha or Mary, but that we are both, and we need to know when the right time is to be each one. In order to do good work for others, we must be good to ourselves. Marcia explained how our prayer fuels our work, but we have to put prayer first, so that we can serve both by action and by adoration. Witness speakers Lizzie Morris and Joe LaScala also shared how they find balance within their own lives.

Bishop Louis Tylka celebrated a special mass on Friday evening, stating in his homily how TEC gives us a reason to lift our eyes from the ground, where we may be looking for the wrong things, to see Jesus. Saturday brought a day full of breakout sessions, including formative, collaborative, prayerful, and playful choices. Formation breakouts were livestreamed for virtual participants. After a special Agape Dinner, the TEC Conference honored Kathy Casey (Diocese of Grand Rapids) and Kimberly Souba (Northwest TEC) with the 2022 Heritage Award. Billy O’Regan was also recognized for celebrating ten years as Executive Director. Following the awards, the group enjoyed a fun night of karaoke and games as the silent auction closed.

Encounter came to a close on Sunday after Billy gave his State of the TEC Conference address, in which he shared the success of the Young Adult Workshop, invited everyone to consider planned giving options for the longevity of TEC, and discussed Benedictine hospitality in his own life and how it can apply to TEC.

Thank you to the volunteer team from the Diocese of Peoria, which includes Peoria TEC, Peterstown TEC, Bloomington-Normal TEC, and Northwest TEC, for your hard work in putting on this event. Thank you as well to the national planning ministry team for their ongoing brainstorming, development, and preparation each year to make sure Encounter continues to serve the TEC family. Finally, thank you to everyone who attended or supported Encounter—this event wouldn’t exist without your participation! It takes your involvement, prayers, and donations make this a reality.



