Encounter 2023: Rooted in Faith

Jul 24, 2023

The international TEC family met in DeWitt, MI, from July 14-16, for a very special Encounter 2023. DeWitt is the home of Fr. Matthew Fedewa, who founded TEC in 1965, and participants were able to meet and spend quality time with him throughout the weekend. 23 different TEC centers were represented by those in attendance, who spent the three days enjoying fellowship, prayerful experiences, and learning opportunities.

The theme “Rooted in Faith” both referred to TEC’s return to Fr. Matt’s home, where the TEC movement first took root and spread throughout the country and world, and to the weekend’s Gospel describing the parable of the sower. The event kicked off with a viewing of the Founder’s Video, in which Fr. Matt and Dorothy Gereke, along with other TEC leaders, describe the origins of TEC, the manual, and how the movement spread and thrived.

Keynote speaker Bishop John Iffert (Bishop of the Diocese of Covington and Episcopal Moderator of TEC), shared his thoughts on the theme, including the habits that TEC instilled in him and how it affected his journey, as well as how our call is simply to sow seeds, even though we may not see the actual fruit those seeds bear. Bishop Iffert’s keynote speech is available for viewing on the TEC Conference Facebook page. Following the keynote, attendees chose between formative breakout sessions or participating in a mini-retreat, after which everyone attended Mass celebrated by Bishop Iffert.

After Saturday’s celebratory Agape Dinner, the TEC Conference honored Dale Kreher (TEC’s Executive Team Treasurer who has graciously helped TEC with payroll and other financial matters), Joe LaScala (Chair of the Encounter Ministry Team), and Fr. Matt Fedewa, presenting Fr. Matt with a special quilt made of Dorothy Gereke’s renowned scarves. The night concluded with a live auction, trivia, and other fun games and social time.

On Sunday, Executive Director Billy O’Regan shared the encouraging news of several new inquiries by different dioceses for starting TEC, inviting everyone present to rely on prayer and each other to keep the TEC movement burning brightly.

Thank you to the local volunteers from Michigan who helped welcome the travelers, along with the national Encounter Ministry Team for their work planning the event. A very special thank you to everyone who attended, prayed for, and donated to this event!
