By: Nick Steinkamp (Great River TEC, Executive Team Member)
Nick Steinkamp is a member of Great River TEC and is active in music ministry, a member of his local TEC board, an a member of the TEC Conference's Executive Team. He has been married to Jill for 24 years, with whom he has 6 children: Allison (21), Jamie (18), Paul (15), Isaac (13), Nathan (8), & Carter (5).
This Father’s Day reminds me in a special way how thankful I am to have several of my children involved in our TEC community. I am also very blessed to have had so many men, including my own father, who were father figures to me throughout my life through the TEC program.
When I was in high school (a few years ago!), I was on a Wheat Team with a wonderful couple who exemplified the loving service of Christ. They showed all of us Wheaties how the small acts of kindness and service we performed for the team and candidates reflected Christ to those on that TEC weekend. Not only was that love reflected to the team, it was something we experienced as well.
Through my young adult years, another father became a true example for me and my wife Jill. We were assistant directors on a TEC weekend where he helped encourage us to share our gifts. He had previously asked us to use our musical talents to add to TEC Masses and Hoots. Through this weekend, he showed us how we could lead-- something I was very uncomfortable with!
As you can imagine, the next step for me was to direct a weekend. This TEC experience had two important aspects. First, it was the first TEC weekend I was able to experience with my dad, who was on the Wheat Team. Our relationship has always been a good one, but there is something about a TEC weekend that allows you to see more clearly the example that your own family shows you every day. Second, I realized for the first time that young people were looking to me as a father figure in their lives. How humbling an event!
Fast forward a few more years, and I am now able to have a couple TEC experiences with my oldest daughter, Allison. The first weekend, I was directing, and Allison was on the Wheat Team. She thought it would be a good experience because we would be in opposite places for most of the weekend. It turned out to be our time to have that experience of clarity that did not stand out much in our everyday lives. This past April, we were on another weekend together. Allison was able to share the impact of our first experience with the team and candidates during her talk. Being there with her was a proud and exciting moment for me, her father.
May everyone encounter Our Father through the love and example of great men in their lives. Happy Father’s Day to all you biological & "TECilogical" fathers!