Introducing the 2023-2024 Leadership Council

May 1, 2023

We are excited to officially welcome and introduce our 2023-2024 Executive Team and Leadership Council! This group cares for the mission of the TEC Conference, bridging communication between the Conference and local communities. We’re thankful for the time they dedicate to TEC and the wonderful ways their work impacts the movement.

We encourage the international TEC family to reach out to your representative at any time if you have questions or want something brought to the Conference’s attention. If your state or region is not represented, please contact the Conference office to inquire. To contact your local State Representative or Region Coordinator, you can email them through our website here.

23-24 Executive Team & Leadership Council

Nick Steinkamp - Executive Team Chair
Great River TEC

David Walker - Executive Team Vice Chair
Wichita TEC

Debbie DeBruyne – Executive Team Secretary & Canadian Representative
Sleeping Giant TEC

Dale Kreher – Executive Team Treasurer
Omaha TEC

Sierra Altenstadter –Executive Team Member & Kentucky State Representative

Stacy Bennett – Executive Team Member
Wichita TEC


John Ivas – Region 1 Coordinator
Tewksbury TEC

Joe LaScala – Region 7 Coordinator
Belleville TEC

Jerry Langworthy --Region 8 Coordinator
Riverbend TEC

Marty Afflerbaugh – Region 10 Coordinator
TEC of Central Texas


Joseph Wizieck -- Illinois State Representative
Peoria TEC

Samantha Marx -- Indiana State Representative
Southwestern Indiana TEC

Sarah Werth -- Kansas State Representative
Wichita TEC

Floyd Bonneval -- Louisiana State Representative

Amanda Brown --  Missouri State Representative
Mid-America TEC



Rafi & Sandra Robert – International Representatives for Spanish-Speaking TEC Communities
Sonshine TEC & Puerto Rico TEC

Marthanece Bullard – Bahamas Representative
TEC Bahamas




