By: Sr. Fulton Marie Meismer, OP
November 6-12, 2022, is National Vocations Awareness Week. We're sharing stories where TEC helped people find their vocation. Today, we hear from Sr. Fulton Marie in Ann Arbor, MI.
My parents met at a TEC retreat. When I started high school, my parents became more involved in the TEC community after a hiatus from their teen years. They served on teams for several TECs. My parents started to grow in their faith, and I wanted to as well. When I went through TEC in 2012, I was immersed into the paschal mystery of Christ. I had gone to some Catholic school, but I never understood the power of the paschal mystery. It was as if for the first time, I was learning that Jesus died for me, rose to bring me to new life, and I was called to go forth and help others come to know Jesus. I was involved with TEC retreats for several years, and in college, I made a Koinonia weekend at Illinois State University.
I started to grow deeper in my faith after making my TEC. I went to daily mass and adoration in college. In the quiet times of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I kept hearing Jesus call me to the vocation he has called me to from my baptism. He kept leading me to my community, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. I entered the convent in 2018, and I professed my first vows in the summer of 2021. Each day, I live the paschal mystery of my Bridegroom!
Sr. Fulton Marie is pictured first on the left.