The TEC Conference has forged special partnerships with certain religious communities — a relationship based upon prayer for one another and a deep mutual respect for one another’s ministries. 

Our partners have agreed to keep the TEC Movement in their prayers, and we ask for prayers for their communities as well.

The Sisters of Bon Secours, USA

The Sisters of Bon Secours are called to place God at the center of their lives. They bring God’s healing compassion and liberation to people in need with a message of hope and assurance in the God who loves them. Their ministries include healthcare, human and social services, spirituality and retreat work, and education.

The Sisters are women of prayer whose vibrant, hope-filled faith communities draw new sisters and others to share in innovative ways their charism of healing, liberation, and compassion. As women committed to act in justice and solidarity with the poor, the suffering, and those in need, they proclaim the Gospel where it is not. Their witness to God’s presence is marked by a passionate spirit and enthusiasm for God’s reign.
For more information, contact:

Sr. Pat Dowling, CBS
Sisters of Bon Secours Vocation Office
1525 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville, MD 21104
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The Redemptoristine Nuns

The Redemptoristine Nuns were founded in Italy in 1731 by Sr. Maria Celeste Crostarosa and St. Alphonsus de Liguori. They are a contemplative Order, following the Redeeming Christ, through a life of prayer and sacrifice. They seek to spread the graces of redemption by becoming a “Living Memory” of Jesus Christ.

The “Red Nuns,” as they are known, support the Redemptorist Fathers and Brothers by their prayer. Each exercise of the day is in memory of some mystery in the life of Jesus. The celebration of the Eucharist and communal praying of the Liturgy of the Hours are central to their lives. The nuns earn their living by sewing Redemptorist habits and ceremonial capes for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulcher.
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For more information, contact:

The Redemptoristine Nuns
200 Liguori Drive
Liguori, MO 63057

Home Mission Sisters of America

The Glenmary Sisters (formally known as the Home Mission Sisters of America) are an apostolic religious community of diocesan right. They serve the Church in mission areas of the United States, particularly in the rural south and Appalachia where the Catholic population is less than 2%.

Their charism is to implant the Church in those areas where it is not yet present in its fullness. Called and sent to gather the church community, they minister to all God’s people, regardless of race, creed, or lifestyle. They encourage all people to live strong moral lives and gospel values. The Sisters work through frequently sharing the Word of God in their humble and untiring labor for conversions, in their compassionate outreach to the poor and forgotten, and in their ministry to nurture the faith of the local Roman Catholic Community.
For more information, contact:

Glenmary Sisters
Vocation Facilitator
Barbara O’Nan
P.O. Box 22264
Owensboro, KY 42304
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Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul are a community of Sisters called to discover Christ in persons who live in poverty. Motivated by the love of Jesus, they live and pray together in community and support one another in the common mission of service with a spirit of humility, simplicity, and charity.

The Daughters of Charity serve in many locations throughout the United States and collaborate with others in ministries including education, healthcare, social services, pastoral ministry, social justice, and advocacy for change. They are an international community of nearly 15,000 Daughters of Charity throughout the world serving in 94 countries. Sisters who feel called to serve in countries outside the United States make a special request to the Provincial. Faithful to the teachings of the Church, Daughters of Charity strive to proclaim the Gospel message through their witness and compassionate service.
For more information, contact:

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
Sr. Jean Rhoads, DC
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Xaverian Missionaries

The Xaverian Missionaries are a religious community of priests and brothers founded in 1895 by St. Guido M. Conforti. Inspired by the life and dreams of St. Francis Xavier, who left his home country and family to preach the Word of God to distant lands, the Xaverian Missionaries contribute towards making of the world one single family by proclaiming in word and action the Good News of God’s reign to non-Christians. They respond to Jesus Christ’s invitation to be his witnesses to the ends of the world by a lifelong commitment to serving the poorest among the poor.

They serve to keep the local Church aware of, engaged with, and connected to the missionary mandate of the universal Church, principally by witnessing Jesus to those who have yet to know him. They are a religious missionary congregation of the Catholic Church that exclusively serves their commitment to share their faith beyond the boundaries of Christianity with their brothers and sisters of different faiths and those who do not espouse any faith. They strive to inspire a new generation to the challenges this mission offers them today in a diverse and pluralistic world.
For more information, contact:

Fr. Rocco Puopolo, s.x.
101 Summer Street
P.O. Box 5857
Holliston, MA 01746
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Dominican Sisters of Springfield

The Dominican Sisters are members of the Order of Preachers, preaching the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to God’s people around the world. As Dominicans, they are sustained by their shared lives in community, continual study and contemplation, and praying the Liturgy of the Hours.

Springfield Dominicans live and serve in the United States and Peru and enjoy relationships with other Dominicans around the world. They pray together, have fun together, and support one another in good times and bad. Their varied talents enable them to minister in ways they couldn’t by themselves.
For more information, contact:

Sr. Teresa Marron
Vocation Director
1237 West Monroe
Springfield, IL 62704
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Edmund Rice Christian Brothers

The Congregation of Christian Brothers is an international organization founded in Ireland in 1802 by Blessed Edmund Rice, a Catholic layman. Today, Brothers serve the people of God on six continents.

Hospitality is at the heart of every Christian Brothers’ community. The Brothers look forward to the opportunity to show their life to others, sharing prayer or a meal. Living in true Brotherhood, they see community and especially community prayer central to their life and mission. Most Brothers live in small communities, typically of less than ten men. The rhythms of life at each community are as unique as the men themselves. But common threads are timeless routines of meshing personal prayer and reflection with community prayer and personal interactions. This simple lifestyle fosters spiritual freedom and a deep sense of community.
For more information, contact:

Br. James McDonald, C.F.C.
4219 Constance Street
New Orleans LA 70115-7742
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Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother

The Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother both serve and empower the poor by sharing God's love through ministry and prayer. We are skilled teachers, compassionate caregivers, attentive counselors, caring friends and gentle companions to those in need--the sick, the poor, people of all ages, all those in crisis. Inspired by St. Francis, St. Clare and our Foundress, Mother Frances Streitel, we live simply, give generously, and have a deep respect and loving concern for all of creation.
For more information, contact:

Sr. Lucille Flores, SSM
Director of Vocation Ministry
St. Clare of Assisi Region Vocations Office
444 West Bradley Road
Milwaukee, WI 53217
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