Practicing Gratitude: Readiness to Return Kindness

Nov 23, 2021

As we approach Thanksgiving, we may be extra aware of the many things in our life for which we are grateful. But what does gratitude actually mean? Turning to the dictionary, we see:

Gratitude: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

We're probably all familiar with the first half of that definition-- the quality of being thankful. When we practice gratitude, we may list out the things we are thankful for, sharing them out loud around the Thanksgiving table (or elsewhere) before we feast. But the last half of the definition-- "readiness... to return kindness"-- is what truly turns gratitude from being merely thankful to a true practice of holiness.

This Thanksgiving, as we praise and thank God for our blessings, may our gratitude also move us to action, that we may share our blessings with others. How can we do this? We remember the corporal works of mercy:

  • To feed the hungry
  • To give water to the thirsty
  • To clothe the naked
  • To shelter the homeless
  • To visit the sick
  • To visit the imprisoned
  • To bury the dead

These works of mercy should go hand in hand with expressing our gratitude. Moreover, we should remember to practice them all year round, not just at Thanksgiving! Food drives and cold-weather clothing donations make it easier at this time of year, but people need mercy all year round-- just as God should receive our gratitude year round!

As you gather with your family or friends for Thanksgiving this year, and as you say grace for the bountiful food or the blessings you've received during the year, try challenging yourself to also consider the ways you can embrace the fullness of gratitude by returning the kindness you have received. How will you move your thankfulness to action? How will you show God the depth of your gratitude by bringing it to others?


"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" (Psalm 107:1)
