Preparing to Meet the Lord

Dec 9, 2019

By: Fr. Barry Wm. Cuba (TEC of Central Texas)

Hi, fellow TECers!

There are two moments in the life of our Church that are so special to us that we have entire seasons devoted exclusively to getting ready for them: Christmas, when God sweeps down from Heaven to meet humanity in Christ, and Easter, when Christ reveals that humanity will ultimately be swept up to meet God. Christmas's preparatory season is Advent, which begins four Sundays before. Easter has Lent, 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday. The purpose of both Advent and Lent is to get our minds and our hearts in the right place to celebrate Christmas and Easter in a profound way when they arrive.

Many who haven't had a personal encounter with Christ over a retreat weekend still come and fill churches around the world to celebrate these days. There seems to be something imprinted deep within us, a yearning to discover a God who is humble enough to enter our world as a small infant, and who desires to draw us to Himself so that we can rise with him. The beauty of Christ's Paschal Mystery (dying, rising, and going forth) still attracts people. Today Christ is still drawing us to himself.

Advent comes from the Latin word for "arrival" or "coming "-  adventus. We are, in a sense, remembering two arrivals. The first is the one we're most familiar with, God's entering into the world as an infant. Emmanuel. "God-with-us." The second arrival we're remembering, which is no less important, is when we will arrive to see Christ face-to-face. Gradually, over many seasons in our lives, we become molded into God's likeness by getting to know Christ. Every moment in our life then becomes a sacred time during which we're preparing to meet the Lord - if we let it be one.

So, how will we prepare ourselves this Advent for when Christ arrives?


Questions that I find helpful in my preparation:

When I meet Christ, will I know Him? Will He know me? (Luke 13.22-28; Matthew 25.11-13)

Am I growing in holiness - which means becoming more and more Christlike (1 Pt 1.15) - to the point that someone would recognize through my words and actions that I bear the name of Christian?

Do I consider Christ and His words in the midst of my busy, hectic life? Do I take time to pray (pay attention to Him)?

When I face a difficult situation, do I try to love like Jesus loved, in whatever circumstances I may find myself?


Christ is coming. Let's be ready, and, together, wait for Him with joyful hope.
