TEC History: Meet Janet Drey!

Apr 1, 2019

Janet Drey was the Executive Director of the National TEC Conference from 1996-2005. Leadership Team member Dale Kreher interviewed Janet to catch up, get a snapshot of her time as Director, and hear her best memories!

When did you make your first weekend?

February 1975, TEC #34, in the Diocese of Des Moines, IA.

What effect did it have on you and or your family?

TEC was a wonderful experience for me, deepening the seeds of faith that were already planted in my life through the presence and example of my parents and family. My parents were very involved with their faith and parish. They and several of my aunts and uncles had made a Cursillo sometime before I made a TEC, and faith and prayer were woven into the fabric of my family's life.

What prompted you to apply for the Executive Director position?

I was invited to apply! I had been involved in youth and young adult ministry on the diocesan level as well at the parish level. The invitation came at a good time in my life. Prior to the interview, I didn’t realize that TEC was a national movement. From my perspective of youth ministry, I thought it was important for TEC to be closely tied to youth and young adult ministry. I’m thankful the Search Committee shared those same thoughts and feelings.

As you look back, what are you most proud of?

I have very fond memories of my ministry with the TEC Conference. Some of the highlights for me were:

Having the privilege of working closely with the founders of TEC, Fr. Matt Fedewa and Dorothy Gereke; as well as Fr. James Brown, OAR, the primary author of the new Revised TEC Manual; and Archbishop Roger Schwietz, OMI, during the years that the new Revised TEC Manual was written and introduced to the TEC Movement through a series of national workshops called "Renewing the Vision of TEC." This was done at the same time that NFCYM was releasing "Renewing the Vision" for youth and young adult ministry in the Church. (Archbishop Schwietz was the Chair of the Bishops' Committee working with the NFCYM document.) We wanted to strengthen TEC's relationship with diocesan youth and young adult ministry.

The TEC Conference Spirituality Committee, which included Fr. Jim Brown, Fr. Matt Fedewa, Sr. Joy Connealy, Sr. Jacque Schroeder, Dennis Kurtz, and myself. We developed various training workshops for TEC leaders and initiated the first of several TEC Spiritual Directors' workshops.  It was a time of many new beginnings and spiritual renewal for the movement.

The TEC Manual was taken to Rome by Archbishop Schwietz, Fr. James Brown, Fr. Matt Fedewa and Dorothy Gereke and presented to Pope John Paul II in June 1998.

In 2000, the TEC Conference sponsored a cruise to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the TEC Movement and begin an endowment fund. The staff and others helped to compile a history/ professional video to tell the story of the movement and launch a new millennium for the movement. The Bishops' Committee was strengthened through recruitment of endorsements for TEC.

Many TEC leaders from around the US and beyond become involved in bringing renewal to their local TEC communities and regions; regional and local TEC leaders helped to bring new life to the TEC Conference by serving on the TEC Council, developing a Military TEC committee, and various committees.

What did you want to accomplish, but didn't have the time or resources?

Finances and staffing were always a struggle.

What do you think gives TEC the potential to continue lasting for decades to come? 

TEC is a lived spirituality that captures the heart and essence of what it means to be a Christian. It does so not only for older adolescents and young adults, but for all of us.


Our many thanks and blessings to Janet for her years of service to the TEC Community.
