Thank You, My Friend

Nov 25, 2024

By: David Walker (Wichita TEC)

David is a member of the TEC Conference's Executive Team and part of the Leadership Council. He is the Coordinator of the Office of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Wichita and also serves as the lay leader for Wichita TEC.

As I reflect on the blessings of working for the Diocese of Wichita for over 20 years, I am so very thankful that part of my job is to oversee the TEC program and TEC community in our diocese. TEC is very near and dear to my heart and a special part of my job. We in Wichita are proud of our TEC program, but I am quick to realize that our program only exists because of one person: The Volunteer! I (and I dare say every TEC community Lay Director across the country) am eternally thankful for The Volunteer. Nothing would happen without The Volunteer. The backbone of TEC at every level is The Volunteer, to whom we all should be ever thankful.

Now before you say, “David, you left God out of the picture!”, I am aware that it is God who provides me with The Volunteer. It is God who inspires, strengthens, and encourages The Volunteer. It is God who finds The Volunteer when I’m worried that I will have to cancel an event. When much needs to be done, it is God who multiplies The Volunteer just as he did the loaves and fishes.

None of the events and programs I oversee would happen without The Volunteer, none. The problem, for me, with running events is that it is easy to get wrapped up in the event and forget to say thank you to The Volunteer. Sure, I know how thankful I am for each and every volunteer that has ever helped me, but I realize that many of them don’t know it because I never took the time to say, “Thank you; I am so thankful for the gift of you.” It would be nice to think that at least my actions said I’m thankful, but I know that isn’t always the case either. I wish I had let each and every volunteer know how thankful I am for them.

The Volunteer always amazes me with their love and dedication to the program and its people. One time The Volunteer offered to pick me up at the airport and take me to the retreat center where we were going to be meeting. My flight was scheduled to arrive at 3:00 pm, but when it finally arrived at 2:00 am the next morning, The Volunteer was there to pick me up in the rain. Not only did he pick me up by giving me a ride, he also “picked me up” by greeting me with a warm, friendly smile and good conversation. He, in true representation of Christ, knew my spirit needed picking up more than my body. Time and time again that’s what The Volunteer does for me and others.

When you are sitting down to your Thanksgiving dinner this year and taking time to think about what you are thankful for, I have a request for you. Take a moment to listen to God as He says thank you to you for being The Volunteer. God, our Father, is always thankful when you allow others to see and feel Him in you. Most all of you who are reading this have been The Volunteer for TEC at some time, somewhere, so let me offer to you my heartfelt thanks!

For The Volunteers that God has blessed my life with, I am truly thankful beyond measure for each and every one of you.

For the thousands upon thousands that have been or continue to be The Volunteer for TEC around the world, thank you! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

And from this grandpa’s heart, a big thank you to each and every one of you, because I can rest assured that TEC will still be around for my grandsons. And outside of this article, may I never call you The Volunteer, but instead may I always call you my friend for whom I am eternally thankful.
