At times in the past year, we have all felt afflicted, brokenhearted, and captive. While we continue to wait on things beyond our control, we enter the season of Lent—itself a time of waiting. But we do not wait without a sense of hope. Amidst the waiting, we rejoice that many of our TEC communities have shown great creativity in sharing community together.
Our God promises us that on the other side of isolation and fear is something worth waiting for. This is the Paschal Mystery. We each have a part to play in sharing the hope of tomorrow with the people in our lives!
In an earlier time when the people of Israel were longing for restoration, the Prophet Isaiah found his call “to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, release to the prisoners.” Let us continue to do the little things to herald a time of hope, care for each other, and prepare for the promised tomorrow.
TEC communities are excitedly making their plans to emerge from the pandemic and accompany young people as we once did. At the TEC Conference, we have bold and optimistic plans as well. To donate online (via credit card) to the TEC Conference so that we may continue to share and strengthen the TEC movement, please follow this link. Checks may be made out to "TEC Conference" and mailed to 2241 Mendez Street, New Orleans, LA 70122.
This Lent, hope is our great gift. It is ours to receive and ours to share. Thank you for all the ways that you are bringing good news to the afflicted, binding up the brokenhearted, and proclaiming liberty to the captives.