Traveling for TEC: The Joy of Other Customs

Jun 30, 2022

By: Jerry Langworthy (Riverbend TEC)

So, what is it like to do some traveling and work on team for other TEC Centers? That is a question I've heard many times in one fashion or another, often phrased as, "What do they do that's different?"

Over the years, by intention or by the intervention of the Holy Spirit, I've had the opportunity to participate on weekends at eight TEC centers beyond my original TEC at Hiawatha Valley TEC #7. They include:  Riverbend TEC, St. Mary's TEC, Central Minnesota TEC, Pathways TEC, Big Sky TEC, TEC New Orleans, Sunflower TEC, and Sonshine TEC. That includes the states of Minnesota, Montana, Louisiana, Kansas, and Florida!

Every TEC community I've encountered does something different and unique to their center. This isn't a bad thing. We know that in the early years, prior to the national manual being compiled, TEC grew and spread, and variations started to develop. With the implementation of the national manual, many TEC centers have discerned the need to let go of some of their traditions but still hang on to some of their customs. It has been an amazing experience to witness and participate in these customs and traditions.

Even though each TEC center has its own unique way of executing the parts of TEC, in all of the centers I have been able to be a part of, the one thing that is truth within each one is that the Holy Spirit is present. And even though various parts of the weekend are done a bit differently, it all works-- because it is the Holy Spirit at work.

At one weekend, I got to witness the 'discussion' among the candidates on the weekend after the Hoot/Reunion. Most of the TEC centers I've been a part of have usually done skits, or some sort of social time. Seeing the discussion take place was a new experience. At another TEC, I was able to listen to a speaker give a Peace Meditation. One weekend, as part of a wheat team, I was honored to be a part of a foot washing on Die Day for the teams and candidates in the Conference Room. I haven't experienced that as part of Die Day in any other TEC center. Most of the TECs where I've participated have a hidden wheat team. On a few experiences, the wheat team wasn't hidden, but played a vital, visible role in the Stations and Reconciliation as well as other parts of the weekend. Some wheat teams have a large hollow cross where they place the names of everyone on the weekend,  and throughout the weekend, the wheat team members take turns carrying that physical cross, never letting it touch the ground. I've experienced powerful moments of being prayed over by wheat teams. On one TEC, I felt like I was in the upper room at Pentecost when the Spiritual Director on the weekend invited everyone to recite the Lord's Prayer together in their native languages, hearing it in English and Spanish and Portuguese and possibly even in Latin; I imagine it was like that when the first disciples spoke in tongues.

The Holy Spirit is present, through the Paschal Mystery, in all of our TEC centers. As long as the 'why' (Paschal Mystery) of the weekend is present, the small details of 'how things are done' on the weekend aren't something we need to stress over. If you've been involved with TEC for ten, twenty, thirty or more years, you probably have memories of doing things 'way back when,' and now things are done a bit differently even within your own center. Both then and now are and should be cherished memories of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. Sure, things change from time to time. It is a part of growth.

Would I recommend experiencing TEC elsewhere? Definitely. It does mean an investment on your part. Travel time. Travel expenses. But, think of it this way: in a certain sense, it's like you're making your first TEC again. Granted, you know the basics and the surprises, but you'll experience new surprises when you open yourself to participating in the moment and doing something new. If you meet someone new at the Encounter this summer, and they say, "Hey, come and work on our upcoming TEC; we need more help on team!" --It's the Holy Spirit reminding you that Christ is counting on you.

Jerry Langworthy is a member of Riverbend TEC but enjoys traveling to other TEC centers to experience their traditions. He is a past member of the Leadership Council and a Heritage Award winner, and currently serves as a member of the national Encounter Planning Ministry Team.
