By: Marty Afflerbaugh
I hope everyone is enjoying this time that God has given us to slow down and spend some time with our families and especially with Him. About five years ago, our TEC of Central Texas community got together to brainstorm how we could bring our community together in prayer on a weekly basis, between our retreat and monthly activities that we had planned.
One of the ideas was to start a weekly call-in rosary. One of our community members set up a phone number using We have one leader and one follower, the rest of the folks that are on the call mute their phones and just respond to themselves. This works out great! We start off each week with intentions, including personal or general whatever the participants feel called to share. With intentions and the rosary recitation, our calls last about thirty minutes.
Each week we have between five and fifteen participants calling in from all around the country praying the rosary together for our TEC communities, families, world issues, and each other. Our TEC of Central Texas community would like to offer the invitation for you to join us for this wonderful prayer each week.
If you would like to join us, follow the steps below. We would love to hear your lovely voices in prayer with us!
Location: Your favorite place to pray!
Day/Time: EveryTuesday evening - 8:30PM CST
Phone Number: (319) 527-3512
Code: 368913#
Please contact Marty Afflerbaugh with any questions about the weekly TEC rosary at
Does your TEC community have any special community-wide prayer opportunities? If you have events or ideas you’d like to share, we’d love to hear about them at