As we grow closer to our first-ever Virtual Encounter, many may be wondering what to expect from this online event. We’re excited to share more details about what participants can look forward to throughout the day.
Virtual Encounter 2020 will have something for everyone—from ministerial discussions for diocesan directors, to a study of the flow of the TEC weekend for community leaders, to the story of the beginning of and the rich history of TEC for those new to the movement, to an open dialogue with young adults eager to engage with new friends from around the world.
Whether you are able to participate for the entirety of Encounter or just portions of it, hopping on and off the video chat as needed, we look forward to seeing you on July 11th and sharing some great resources, presentations, discussions, and more!
Opening Session – 10 AM – 12 PM CST
We’ll start our day with an opening prayer and blessing from Fr. Matthew Fedewa, co-founder of the TEC Movement. Fr. Matt will call in live from his home in DeWitt, MI; his last travels for TEC were in 2015 for TEC’s 50th Anniversary.
Following Fr. Matt’s blessing, Billy O’Regan, Executive Director of the TEC Conference, will greet us with, and we'll be introduced to TEC’s Leadership Council.
Keynote speaker Sarah Hart will address our group at 10:30 AM, exploring our theme, Embrace Hope, and leading us in prayer, praise and worship songs, and short discussions.
First Round of Breakouts – 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM CST
After returning from lunch, participants will be able to select one of four breakouts to attend online:
TEC During COVID-19: Led by David Walker (Executive Team Member), this breakout will be a group round-table discussion about our concerns and strategies regarding TEC’s ministerial role during COVID-19.
Music & TEC: Led by Brett Mathiowetz (Leadership Council Region 8 Coordinator), this breakout will be a group round-table discussion with participants sharing how their different TEC centers use music to enhance their weekends.
Walking Through the History of TEC: Led by Janet Drey (past Executive Director of the TEC Conference), this breakout will be an opportunity for anyone curious to learn about the formation and history of TEC, the Conference, and its rich history leading up to today.
Lectio & Visio Divina: Led by Kate Mapes (Leadership Council Chair), this breakout will offer prayer time through the practice of meditating on both Scripture and spiritual images to enter into communion with God.
Second Round of Breakouts – 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM CST
A second round of breakouts will follow the first round, with participants able to choose from the following:
TEC During COVID-19, Continued: Led by David Walker (Executive Team Member), this breakout will continue the conversation about TEC’s role during COVID-19. New participants are welcome to join or those who attended the first round may stay and continue the discussion.
Young Adult Conversation: Led by Sierra Altenstadter (Leadership Council Kentucky State Rep), this breakout will offer young adults a channel to connect with their peers from around the world and discuss TEC and other topics.
Scope & Sequence of the TEC Weekend: Led by Sr. Sarah Yungwirth (Spirituality Team Chair) and Dennis Kurtz (Spirituality Team Member), this breakout will explore the theological reasoning behind the flow of a TEC weekend.
Spontaneous Prayer: You Hear All Things: Led by Steven Polley (Leadership Council Kansas State Co-Rep), this breakout will instruct participants in spontaneous prayer, with time to practice in a space free of pressure.
State/Region Breakouts – 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM CST
After the two rounds of breakouts, Encounter participants will be assigned to new breakout rooms where Leadership Council members will be available to talk about specific local and regional matters. Everyone present will have the chance to meet who represents their area on the Council!
Closing Session – 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM CST
After all breakouts have concluded, the event will wrap up with a few short announcements, our Memorare Circle prayer service (during which we remember those who have passed away in our TEC communities in the last year), and a State of the TEC Conference address by Billy O’Regan. Associate Director Dcn. Kevin Fuller will end the event with a commissioning prayer and blessing.
Virtual Hangout Time – 7:30 PM CST
For anyone who wants more community time and a chance to socialize further, anyone interested is invited back after the evening break for a “virtual hangout” time. There will be space for casual conversation, virtual games, and an online jam session with music and fun!
Can’t join us?
If you can't join us for Virtual Encounter but want to support the TEC Conference during this event, here are some ways you can help:
- Pray for us as we come together in this new way!
- Share & promote the registration link and other content to help us spread the word!
- Send names of those from your local TEC centers who have passed away to so we can pray for their souls during our Memorare Circle.
- Donate to the TEC Conference to support this FREE event and to help us continue supporting local TEC communities.
- Watch recordings of Virtual Encounter sessions and share your takeaways with your TEC center.