Every winter and summer, the TEC Leadership Council meets in person to discuss and discern goals for the TEC movement. This winter, the Council met from January 5-6, 2024, in Covington, LA. Topics from the meeting’s agenda included:
- Executive Director report and annual goals
- Affirmation of the 2024 Heritage Award recipients
- Review of TEC community reports
- Analysis and affirmation of the 2024-2025 budget
- Discussion on re-energizing ministry teams
- Updates on implementation and progress of TEC’s strategic goals
- Formation centered on relational love, led by Ryan Hallford
Several Council members joined via Zoom, while those who traveled for the meeting were treated to home-cooked southern dinners, with some Council members even staying after the meeting for a trip to New Orleans.
Executive Director Billy O’Regan presented wheat crosses to the outgoing Council members whose terms have come to an end, including Debbie DeBruyne (Executive Team Secretary & Canadian Representative) and Stacy Bennett (Executive Team Member at Large). The staff and Council prayed over them while thanking them for their many years of dedication to TEC. We’d also like to thank Dale Kreher, Executive Team Treasurer, for all the financial wisdom he has provided to the TEC Conference over the years, upon the upcoming conclusion of his term. These Council members have faithfully served the TEC movement and will complete their service on March 31.
The Council will meet for a video conference for their spring call in March and will meet again in person just before the start of Encounter 2024 in July in Austin, TX. This group is truly a blessing to TEC, and we are filled with gratitude for their ongoing work!