






Teens Encounter Christ

Together Encounter Christ

TEC is a diocesan spiritual movement for older teens and young adults. It begins with a retreat weekend filled with dynamic reflections, music, sacraments, adoration, small group dialogue, and prayer. Afterwards, the TEC community evolves into a network of support that both reinforces parish involvement and personal spiritual growth. TEC leads participants to integrate Christ’s Paschal Mystery (dying, rising, and going forth) at a time of passage through young adulthood.

Winter 2025 Leadership Council Meeting Review


The TEC Conference’s Leadership Council met in Puerto Rico from January 24-25, 2025, for their annual winter meeting. This special opportunity to hold the meeting on the island allowed Council members to meet with various members of the Puerto Rican community who continue...


Thank You, My Friend

Uncategorized Thanksgiving

By: David Walker (Wichita TEC) David is a member of the TEC Conference's Executive Team and part of the Leadership Council. He is the Coordinator of the Office of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Wichita and also serves as the lay leader for Wichita TEC.



“TEC was such an unexpected experience that just changed my life. I always think, how could 3 days change my views and my relationships, not only with people, but with Christ Himself?”
Megan LaCour
“TEC has made me feel invited and welcomed, and the community has shown me the love of Christ. In turn, Christ has been leading me into a deeper relationship through prayer.”
Andrew Ramirez (Seminarian)
“TEC has been an amazing instrument in my life by creating an intimate faith environment that still includes the fun. I will be forever touched by the experience and the memories it gave me.”
Jonathan Young
“TEC has helped me to break out of my shell, and now I’m doing things I would have never seen myself doing before TEC. TEC overall has helped make me a happier and more confident person.”
Anka Snider
“In this era of renewed focus on discipleship, I know of no better program that introduces youth to Jesus and His death and resurrection.”
Fr. Thomas Szydlik
“TEC was integral to my personal conversion of heart to Jesus. Over the past 26 years, I have continued to witness TEC bringing young people into a deep relationship with Christ and His Church. TEC is faithful to the Gospel and authentically Catholic.”
Karl Dolson, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Archdiocese of Louisville
“I have seen first hand how young people are transformed by the TEC experience. They are renewed in their faith and equipped to grow into adulthood as prospering Catholics.”
Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago
“TEC has helped me realize that more people earnestly care about me and the world than I ever imagined.”
Frankie Marchan